Your Friend, The Breath

A special series offered exclusively at Yoga Chikitsa in Richardson

Tuesdays 10:30 am - 11:30 am

October 24 - December 17 (8 weeks, no session week of Thanksgiving)

Pricing: $120 for 8 weeks, includes all class scripts to reinforce home practice

Trial pricing: $60 for first 4 weeks -- see what it's like to experience progression-style series yoga classes


For any missed session, the participant will receive a practice session sheet to utilize for home practice. The participant may also schedule 10 minutes of one-on-one time for each missed session (by phone or video call). In certain situations, missed session time may accumulate but not past 1 hour. Any additional one-on-one time beyond the complimentary minutes will be priced at $22.50 per 15 minutes.


Register & pay:



Unsure if you will enjoy the whole series? Try the first four sessions for $60.


Partial payment plans are available! Just ask. Call 214-476-9787 and leave a message with your request.

Your Friend, The Breath - What is it?

  • Learn how to move your body in complete coordination with your breath; this is called "breath-centric movement". You'll discover that this method cultivates a level of focus and attention that is not often seen in most styles of yoga.
  • Through this orientation around the breath you will help your body reduce areas of constant gripping, gain insight on areas needing to regain tonicity and see how the state of your body affects the state of your mind. Your breath will be your friend, guide and teacher in this personal development process.
  • You will not be sitting for long periods of time; in fact any sitting that you connect with will probably last no longer than 5 minutes. You will explore how to work with your structure, your energy, your mind and your breath to increase the chances of being able to sit and have a brief but meaningful meditation experience on the final day of the series. In every class you'll have plenty of movement experiences with the leading of your own breath.


Join us for this special 8 week series where you'll learn how the various tools of yoga can be integrated and woven together to help you enter a space that holds stillness and is full of meaning.


"Learning how to be still, to really be still and a let life happen, that stillness becomes a radiance." 

- Morgan Freeman

Class by class progression:

Day 1: Linking Breath with Movement - Preparing the Body and Building Focus

Day 2: Coordination with the Breath - Paying Attention

Day 3: Refining Breath-Centric Asana - Slowing Down

Day 4: Listening to the Breath - Developing Awareness of Breath Capacity

Day 5: Listening to the Breath - Developing Inhalation with Breath Adaptation in Asana & Pranayama

Day 6: Listening to the Breath - Developing Exhalation with Breath Adaptation in Asana & Pranayama

Day 7: Incorporating Sound - Vocalization in Asana Practice

Day 8: Integrated Practice - Practice Dharana (Concentration)

Register and pay:



Please be assured that if you already know you will miss a session or two, the instructor will gladly assist you in "catching up" on missed material. The participant may schedule 10 minutes of one-on-one time for each missed session. The participant will also receive the missed session script. Any additional one-on-one time beyond the complimentary minutes will be charged at $22.50 per 15 minutes.

Hosted by Yoga Chikitsa located at 328 W Campbell Rd, Richardson 75080


Questions? Call Sandi at 214-476-9787.

Leave your name, number and voicemail -- your call will be returned!